Emerging Trends in Hospitality Construction


As a nearly century-old commercial construction company, we’ve had the honor of helping to shape Nashville’s evolving skyline, building it into the city we love today. Millions of people from around the world love Nashville, too. In more recent years, the “It City” has experienced exponential growth, fueled by an influx of visitors seeking to immerse themselves in Nashville’s music scene, high-profile events, and vibrant food scene.

In 2022, Nashville’s tourism industry generated record economic activity and unprecedented hotel performance: 9.5 million room nights were sold in a single year. The city’s tourism industry is pursuing a five-year strategic plan to keep Nashville in demand as a destination. Part of that demand falls on the hospitality industry to keep up with the latest innovations and trends. At Crain Construction, our dedication to innovation and excellence allows us to implement the latest advancements in hospitality construction.

This blog post explores the emerging trends in hospitality construction that are shaping the future of cities like Nashville, reflecting our commitment to creating spaces that meet the evolving needs of the industry and enhance the visitor experience.

Sustainability and Eco-Friedly Materials

As awareness of environmental issues grows, so does the demand for green construction practices and sustainable materials. Eco-friendly materials such as bamboo, reclaimed wood, and low-VOC paints are not only better for the environment but also contribute to the aesthetic atmosphere of a space, enhancing guest satisfaction. At Crain, we incorporate these materials into our projects with a keen eye on sustainability and guest experience, ensuring that every build contributes positively to the environment while meeting the high standards of our clients.

Smart Technology Integration

The concept of smart hotels continues to gain traction. These hotels are designed to integrate seamlessly with technology to enhance guest experiences. Features include automated systems for energy management, smart windows that adapt to changes in light and temperature, and the use of robotics in maintenance and service.

Adaptive Reuse

Adaptive reuse is a creative and increasingly popular trend in hotel development. It allows the repurposing of existing structures, like historic buildings, old factories, and warehouses, into unique hotel spaces. Beyond preserving cultural heritage, adaptive reuse provides guests with an authentic and memorable experience. Crain leverages this trend to transform underutilized buildings into thriving hospitality venues, blending historic charm with modern luxury. Two great project examples of this are Acme Feed & Seed and the Fairlane Hotel. We even converted a former warehouse we built in the 1950s into our new headquarters.


Mixed-use projects can maximize land use while fostering a sense of community by integrating residential, commercial, and recreational spaces that cater to daily needs and lifestyles. Aertson Midtown was built on two acres on a busy corridor next to Vanderbilt University. This urban development included a boutique hotel, apartments, street-level retail, and private and public parking. By drawing on principles of accessibility and sustainability, these bustling hubs prioritize pedestrian-friendly spaces and green living to boost local economies. 

The Crucial Role of Hospitality Construction in Nashville’s Evolution

The hospitality industry has seen transformative changes over the decades, significantly influencing construction trends. As Nashville continues to draw visitors and new residents, the demand for innovative and sustainable hospitality facilities continues to surge. At Crain Construction, our commitment to excellence allows us to embrace and implement the latest advancements and trends to build structures that will last a lifetime. Connect with our team to learn how we can build your next project together. 

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