How Our Core Values Inform Every Project

Element Onecity building under construction with crains out front.

Everyone knows that a building is only as strong as its foundation. Below each skyscraper needs to be a foundation that’s strong enough to support it. Before ever building up, construction teams must build down. We believe the same principle applies to our company. For Crain, our values are the foundation of our company. We believe values are more than words on a page. They are a representation of who we are

Founded as a family-owned business, our values were passed down generationally from our inception the same way a parent instills values in their children. Our values impact every decision we make, from how we work to how we engage our community. We also incorporate them into every interaction with clients and each other.  


Crain Construction’s Core Values

Here are the values that have shaped our work for generations and thousands of commercial construction projects in Nashville and across the southeast:

1. Doing the Right Thing

Integrity is at the heart of every project and interaction we have. We are relentless in doing the right thing every time. Sometimes that means making difficult decisions that impact a project timeline or budget, but we believe that doing the right thing at the moment is important both for the long-term integrity of our buildings and our relationships with our clients. 

2. Communication

Collaboration and communication are key to a successful project. For us, that means listening first without assuming we know exactly what our clients need or want. We approach internal and external conversations with candor and honesty. We are willing to ask and answer tough questions that ensure we’re doing the right thing. We collaborate with every part of our team throughout the entirety of each project.

3. Owning It

We approach every project with an owner’s mentality. Rather than “punching the clock” or simply completing a project, we go above and beyond our commitments and always consider the long-term impact of a project. Our project managers will often identify approaches and ideas that help our clients save time and energy down the road. 

4. Client Focused

We advocate for the success of our clients in everything we do. We work tirelessly to exceed our client’s expectations from the pre-construction process through the final inspection. We get involved early to ensure a project is set up for success before it begins. After the project is complete, we provide guidance and follow-up for our clients.  

5. Team Dedication

We realize that a company is only as strong as the people who work there. We invest heavily in our employees and are constantly looking for opportunities to help them thrive while contributing to our collective success. Our dedication to the team is one of the reasons our employees love working at Crain. Many of them have been part of our family for decades.  

6. Passionate

We love the work we get to do and appreciate our role in building structures that last a lifetime. Throughout our company, you’ll find people who are passionate about what they do. We seek to serve others while having fun with the people around us. Our passion for construction and helping others is one of the reasons many of our employees are so involved in our communityrebuilding homes or ​​working to improve the quality of life for all Middle Tennesseans.

7. Knowledgeable

In a world that’s evolving faster than ever, we recognize the importance of continually learning and adopting the best practices in our industry. We work proactively to bring you solutions—some that you may not realize you need. We invest in the development of our team. We also recognize our own strengths and weaknesses, driving us to seek wisdom from others and pursue new growth and learning opportunities. 


Build Something that Echos Your Values 

These values are intended to support our efforts to build relationships and structures that last a lifetime. That’s one reason why 85% of our work comes from repeat clients. Over the years, we’ve received multiple awards honoring us as one of the best commercial contractors in Nashville. If you’re interested in learning more about our approach or how we can help with your next project, we’d love to talk

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